Who we are

Holistic digital experts

Hey 👋 We are holistic programmers, designers, and strategists. Together, we create the ideal website launch.

  • Development
  • SEO
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media

Since founding the business, we've had the good fortune to get to know and work with some of the most talented and motivated individuals; I am very proud of our team and the work we produce together.

- Stefan (Founder)

We are process nerds

Explore the Swipe&Hype way🚀

You will get a proven process with enough flexibility to help you meet your digital ambitions on-time and on-budget. Using top project-management tools, a dedicated team of professionals will guide you through each step.

Phase 1

On-boarding & Kick-off

We always start with some face-to-face time. You'll meet your Project Manager during project onboarding, who will walk you through our process and tools. Our goal is to ensure complete transparency throughout the project's duration.

Phase deliverables:
  • •Project team
  • •Project tools
Phase 2

Discover & Plan

This is where the real magic takes place. During this workshop-style process, we'll do a deep dive into your company, your goals, and the needs of your target audience. The UX Designer on your new team will outline the primary objectives and prepare a project scope, budget, and timeline for your approval.

Phase deliverables:
  • •Scope and timeline
  • •Project documentation
  • •Sitemap
Phase 3

UX & UI Design

Once we have a firm understanding of your requirements and positioning, the Designers take their cue. We’ll create layouts for the developing product using Figma, and gather your feedback along the way. Additionally, our Developers work in tandem with the Designers to discover the best solutions.

Phase deliverables:
  • •Wireframes
  • •Visual Design
  • •UX Design
  • •Editorial Design
Phase 4


The Developer will construct what the Designer envisioned with each approved layout. This collaboration enables us to efficiently create your ideal digital product. Furthermore, our QA (quality assurance) team ensures that all bugs are identified and fixed prior to your review.

Phase deliverables:
  • •Tested front-end
  • •Connected CMS
  • •Tested back-end
  • •Connected Integrations
Phase 5

Deploy (Going-live)

We'll be ready to go once everything has been tested and is operational in the production environment. We assist you in selecting the best hosting or cloud architecture provider for your new digital product. We optimize your website's performance, ensuring that it runs smoothly on desktop and mobile devices (and that Google loves it!). Then it's time to show it to the rest of the world.

Phase deliverables:
  • •Web Hosting
  • •Performance optimization
  • •Content Population
  • •Published website
Phase 6

Care & Optimize

We're here to help you in any way, shape, or form once your product is built and live. Website upkeep, SEO or UX optimization, increased security, new features — you name it. We're your team, and we'll be there for you until the very end.

Phase deliverables:
  • •We set the deliverables of this phase together, to make sure we cover you on every side.

Our Services

This is what we are best at

Design & development
  • UI&UX
  • React/Next
  • Vue/Nuxt
  • Wordpress
  • SaaS

We pride ourselves on building lightweight websites that feature a high level of finesse through subtle animations, keeping the user wanting to stay on the site longer. We utilize the latest tools, techniques, and technologies to empower your sales and marketing team to meet their goals and objectives.  

  • Audits
  • Link Building
  • Analytics

Do you like wine? Then you will love SEO - it also gets better with time. We make you Google's favorite by implementing long term SEO techniques into the very foundation of your digital identity. We pour you a link juice, and we bring you to the first result page spotlight.

  • Blogs
  • Sales Copy
  • Publications
  • Website Copy

Here is a secret. You don't read content. You just scan it. Because of that, we write in a tone tailored to the target group, with just enough boldness to keep the readers nailed to the screen. Our wordsmiths carefully craft the memorable content inviting to look at, easy readable for both humans and robots.

Social Media
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn

Our primary focus is to raise awareness, drive traffic, convert leads and build a community for your customers through really cool social experiences! This includes creating highly targeted and curated content on each platform, so your business is responsive 24/7 to users. WE GOT YOU!

What we do

  • World-class digital
  • Expect creativity
  • Obsess over details
  • Value relationships
  • High-five
  • Make things, break things
  • Meme
  • Exceed expectations
  • Party

What we don't

  • Work late / weekends
  • Resist cake
  • Sacrifice quality for profit
  • Overpromise
  • Lose at Mario Kart
  • Work for free
  • Egos
  • Impossible deadlines
  • Outsource

Yes, we have a Code of Honor

Code of Honor

Our values provide insight into who we are and whether we will be a good fit for your brand. These are the values that unite us as a Team and that we would like to share with you as a Partner.


Be nice

This is Swipe and Hype's first rule. Be nice. It works incredibly well. Be nice to everyone, even (especially) those who annoy you. It takes time and patience to be nice, but it works.


Enjoy the ride

We live in a fluid world where we don't know what technologies we'll use next or what kinds of projects we'll undertake. Swipe and Hype is an ongoing experiment in which you are a participant. Accept the unexpected. If life gives you lemons, start an amazing lemon-based digital platform.


Help each other

Ask for help. Asking for help when you're stuck or frustrated is a sign of strength. The next day, it could be you offering assistance. Step up if people appear to be overloaded. We do it together, whether we succeed or fail.


Use our powers for good

We have the ability to change the world one pixel at a time as creative thinkers and doers. That kind of power comes with a lot of responsibility. Let’s use our creative powers to make meaningful work that solves problems and improves people's lives.


Speak up and listen

Great ideas can emerge from anywhere. So don’t keep your thoughts trapped inside your head. Share them and see where they lead. Even more importantly, listen to the people around you – whether it’s a client, colleague or cab driver. The idea is out there, just waiting to be discovered. Stay alert.


Team up

Teamwork, not talent, wins championships. Michael Jordan said it, and he knew a thing or two about winning. Remember that "we" did it, not "I" when you speak or present. Swipe&Hype has arrived to compete in the problem-solving championship (that should really be a thing).


Try the truth

Truth is not always the easiest path to take, but it is the shortest. You may fear that being truthful will hurt someone's feelings. But, because everyone here is nice (see Rule #1), you can always count on it coming from a good place. Whatever the project, it is beneficial to think beyond emotions and toward the end goal: creating magic for the users.


Solve the problem

You could be the Swipe&Hype developer, producer, designer, or someone else. But we're all doing the same thing: solving problems. So, don't let your job title limit your opportunities. Go for it if you feel like you're stepping outside your role. Don't do anything if you're waiting for permission. If it still isn't working, move on to the next step.